
It works!

Well the camera works!! 24 exposures I took yesterday came out alright. Took £4.25 to develop at the local supermarket with a one hour wait. The cheapest film I can get my hands on is iso 400. It has to be because at this stage I don't know if this camara is going to work and give me blank images! So running that at iso 200 in the camera which is the slowest film speed it can use. You can alter the speed of a film (iso) by using a technique called push processing and pull processing to increase (pushing) or decrease (pulling) the speed of film and therefore the exposure you capture in the camera. Though you have to compensate for this in the developing of a film by saying how much you've changed this by. Other wise they will just develop for the setting of the film so it could be under or over exposed if you don't mention it.
So I had to pull this film...
The slowest film speed setting in this camera is 200 and that would mean it would be underexposed as they develop the film as if it's used at iso 400. So to make it make this work within the Sunny 16 rule I exposed it by a larger aperture to correct this. So instead of using it at f/5.6 on a heavily overcast day with no shadows I used it at f/4 so I could hand it in and make sure it was correctly developed without any fuss.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mark, I was wondering if you had any tips regarding using the Halina 35x? Particularly regarding film loading, winding and actually using the shot counter on the film winder. Do I have to load the film with the counter at a certain point to accurately start the counter at zero? I've managed to get my hands on the camera and looking forward to taking it out for a test run soon.

Also I have noticed that its a self cocking shutter, however even if the shutter is not cocked and I hit the shoot button the film can be advanced?

Many Thanks