
#blognor09 All for a quid

All for a pound

#blognor09 Project our thoughts onto it


In shade


Out of sight

#blognor09 Capricorn

cool façade

internal processes



#blognor09 One of a thousand Bus stops

Three separate narratives converge at a point of time and space.
Is this a start, a continuation or an ending?

#blognor09 Warren Lane

Whilst walking down Warren lane
it appears to be snowing
or so it seems...
A blizzard of white
drifts towards me overhead..


Every New Dawn Fades

Today is Earth Day a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment.


Still waters run deep.

New growth in the garden. But this New Zealand Flax in my front garden appears to be a silent witness to what is happing all around. Silent save only for the gentle breeze that moves through its leaves.


It's all words

Caught this image whilst working on a new spoken word film. Which is a collaboration between myself and Andrew Smazogz and Fiona Hall. We've worked before but this time it is just the three of us together. Can't say when it's finished but when it is it will be something special.
Everything is words... whether as images, sound or thought or should that be the other way around... ? The benefits of working with other people can't stressed enough. It's like having multiplying yourself to get something better


Beccles the slight return....

Did a walk and return from mine to Beccles along the Angles way again. Starting from midday the weather was good and I really had broke my boots in before hand. Perfect to try this if I could walk back as well. Also trying some shots with my film camera that I had noticed from the previous attempt. More oportunities made themselves availiable as I became aware of what I had missed previously. Arriving at Becles at around 5.30 I was successful in that I could return home. Only making a short stay for what is possibly one of the few chip shps to open in East Anglia. Eating my chips in the seated area just outside the Caxton Arms I am thinking if I should return in the direction I have come from. Yes I do and in the enveloping darkness as the sun setts it is quite well lit by the moon light. After several stops to eat and water I made my way home. So twelve hours later since I had started reaching it at Midnight via a slightly differring route along the cliff tops over looking the North Sea.

With this distance I have covered Norwich is attainable and realistic.

So anything is possible...


Aprils Fool

These boots will get me somewhere.

...from Norwich

...and even perhaps from London

....if I am that inclined

...from somewhere

...to something thing

...Everything I do

...is about footsteps along the way.