
It's always greener on the other side

Though I wish it was that simple as this quiz from http://www.whoshouldyouvotefor.com/ shows. I've only manged to be able to vote green in a general election once when I was living in London. Democracy is not transparent or fair which is how it reflects life.


All ears over to Myspace...

It was only matter of time...but I have some audio pieces situated at http://www.myspace.com/eyeresearch under the moniker of Eyeresearch.

No there's not much drums or any words in this genre but so far four tracks of an ambient industrial nature I have posted on there. Using just the computer and some software that is my instrument of choice and as low tech as I can get in this time of life.


Been caught walking!

Whilst having a look on Google maps I find myself caught on the streetview section of where I live. Not once but twice as I am pictured further along the road. Yes that's me in the center with the light blue t shirt. They did make a good job of blurring my face. I recall the car with the strange looking dome shaped camera sticking out of its roof

Obtaining footage from CCTV camera would never be so easy...but fame atlast