
Self imposed satisfaction

Although I find taking self portraits personally quite a hard task to accomplish satisfactory. Forced myself to do this one as a study of light and shade.

Found a way

Was pleased yesterday that I found that the footpaths across Haddiscoe marshes were useable. Apart from the gate that I had to climb over but everything was easily marked to tell where you were going. Therefore not having to walk along the busy and treacherous A143 road which has no safe means walking along side. Witnessing herds of cows idly grazing, a trio of Tornado jets flying overhead and a passing Hercules transport aircraft. The busy traffic tucked away on the road far away as it sneaks across like me the flat surface of what was once water. Even before reaching the marshes the other inter connecting foot paths where more visible in use Starting from Hopton on sea, Lound, Ashby, Fritton, St Olaves and beyond till I got to Thurlton. To clarify these in broad daylight is an understatement. Well have you ever tried to find something in the dark and I mean literally in the dark of night that is new. Even with a map in hand you still have to read the landscape to correlate what is on symbolised on paper and it's place on earth. The image is of the view from Thorpe looking back to Lothingland in the distance. Next stop is eventually Norwich itself!


....on the streets of Lowestoft

All can be revealed...

Echoes of earlier days in may

Seen here forming a meaningful coalition between a tree and poster. Found this photo opportunity as I was about walking.


46 keys on my wagon!

Another job for me do! 3 keys broken on my keyboard so still leaves me with 46 I can use. Just have to find some to cannibalise from Freecycle or such . Like Irving Berlin I do like using the black keys. A keyboard more responsive and instantaneous at transposing samples of sound then manipulating them through a software menu with a computer mouse.



WORDS : Alphabet Allotment (A Play all about words)

WORDS : Alphabet Allotment (A Play all about words)

Created by :- ~ Myself ~ Fizzywig ~ Smazogz ~ it is a 15 minute film of our interpretation of words and what they they mean to us.... it is a 705 megabyte download from the following link
We will get this on some alternative sites in the next few days.

Down memory lane

Is this the beaten track?

This machine is out of order

The emphasis I am finding here is on the word "temporarily". It gives some relief that it is only a relatively short moment in time where everything is broken and that when fixed life can move forward again...


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On the saturday morning met up with the others on the beach. There to catch a fleeting image of the Sun through the clouds. Marking the mid point between the Sun's progress between the spring Equinox and the summer solstice