
Black History Month in Great Yarmouth

One of the acts at the launch of Black History Month
at Great Yarmouth
For information about Black History Month
What's on in Great Yarmouth during Black History Month

Artists Working in the Community

Artists Regenerating the Community


Willis Building , Ipswich

Originally the Willis Faber and Dumas Headquarters. Designed by Norman Foster and constructed in the early to mid 1970's. I never get tired of looking at this building as its glass surface always changes and shows you something new. Never been inside it and I believe there's a rooftop garden.
I am working on my third piece in ten years to be influenced by it.


Changing Ipswich

Still for a film piece I'm working on for an open submission at the Town Hall Galleries at Ipswich. This is based on theme of Changing Ipswich. It's my third film involving the Willis building (the black glass structure). Like the monolith in 2001 I'm draw to it. Very interesting building that takes into context it's surroundings yet still remains it's identity. Ipswich has changed a lot in the last few years with the developement of the harbour area. I've taken a few photogrphs of the place in that time. There's some interesting things happening. Change comes from inside people more than within the buildings themselves. My piece is about a journey through time that has happened through the last few thousand years. All we see around us is transitory and continually evolving within in a much larger process and timescale.





uploading data gathered
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a user defined space
press enter

People and Architecture

A glass backdrop for actors.
"Urban Life" is performed throughout the day all year round.


Proof Reading

An external reminder

Joy Division

Taking pictiures of lights remined me of one of their album covers.

The Ghost Bus

Time to alight in the dead of night.


Original art from West Wales

Harbour 1
Mixed media
21" x 21"

Ruth Sargeant burns, melts and layers surprising materials
to produce work of delicacy and depth.
for some more examples of her thought provoking and highly textural work.

Timelapse on manoeuvres

I have london in my sights.
My view point is somewhere in Essex
looking at the Millennium Dome and Canary Wharf in the distance.


"No giving up on theatre protest"...

... was the headline I saw on page 5 of the Lowestoft Journal about the protest last saturday to save the Seagull Theatre.

"Gary Hilton, of the Save our Seagull campaign, thanked everyone who had made the protest such a success"

"Initial response is that Suffolf County Council has given us a stay of execution, inviting further applications to preserve the core of the community arts and theatre in this area."

"We will continue to liase with all concerned parties in order to bring new life to this histirc building and look forward to another 38 years of entertainmenrt, education and community spirit. We have won this round of the battle but the war prevails."

For more information in how to support the campaign to save the Seagull theatre email seagulltheatre@hotmail.co.uk

At the tomb of the unknown graffiti artist


Mechanical Fossil

The remains of a cremated motorcycle.
No last words.
No flowers.
No mourners.


Pictures on a subway

Details from murals in a subway underpass
at the Runham-Vauxhall area of Great Yarmouth.
Community project organised and facilitated
by artist Mike Skipper.


The white paint murder.

Tin of white paint lost on the road.
Police suspect it "fell or was pushed" off the back of a lorry.
Trying to paint a picture of it's last moments.
Somebodies in the frame for it.
Couldn't keep a lid on it.
It's all out in the open now.
The situation has run out of control.
Tin of white paint lost on the road.

Irony in time travel

This photograph on display at the Merchants House, South Quay at Yarmouth caught my eye. It shows a disused chip shop inbetween the two world wars.
With the following message inscribed on the boarded up window:

Trinitrotoluene Addiction

A short sequence of events

Nature Abhors a Vacuum

Buddleia growing from a wall.


The Maritime Festival

Our explotation of nature and mankind
because of need and greed.