
Converting Vision into Audio

It's probably been down to the fact that I have broken my video camera so my brain has been thinking about alternative strategies to make pictures whilst I figure out the financial repercusions of over coming this hurdle.

It's been a quite happening last few days thanks to some freeware software and my mac. It's been a revelation and a very much needed theraputic session these last few days.
I have then been making these audio segments into longer soundscapes using Ableton Live and then rendering these to put into Logic Audio. There's no secret in what is already availiable on the net...now. It's what you do with it that counts.

Very interesting but I have to put these into an order for a video piece I am putting into the Ferini Gallery in Lowestoft soon.

Then I discover something which will work with Puredata. Time to brush off the dust on my backup disks and reinstall.

There's always a discovery waiting to happen.

Keeping the mind active to new possibilities.

I need to meet yet more people and experience a differrant perspective to feedback into my arts practice.

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