
The Great Yarmouth Flickr meet

Last sunday amidst the snow fall several local members of Flickr met to discuss all things photography and life. So known by our Flickr login names which is myself as The Broken Camera , Clockworknoggin, WiccySunrise, Oleymoley, StutakesPhotos and SaltyDogJacko we met up in the Pub on the Prom on Great Yarmouth seafront. Sparkfish only got as far as the race course because it was blowing a white one and Sheryl1 couldn't come because of the bad weather. It took some an hour to drive from Lowestoft to Gt Yarmouth. As for me certainly worth walking into town for although the pavements were icy.
So after much coffee and a few pics by some later. It looks as if we're going to meet up sometime next year when the weather and light is better and do a photoshoot some in the locality. Oleymoley brought in his late father in laws Kodak camera. A fantastic piece of equipment that goes upto f45. It says it's a pocket camera but that's for deep pockets!

We'd had discussed the philosophy of of why we took pictures, the fine art of constructive criticism, our cameras, photos, Flickr itself......
Then the weather turned better further along in the afternoon so we all went our seperate ways until next time we logged in and uploaded some more photos.
So the moral of this tale is that the internet is strongest as a social structure when it replicates social interaction with people in the real life through the art of making images.

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