
Showcase preview

Congulations to Martyn Wainwright with his work "Owd Hin" for winning the award hope it all goes well.

What tickled my interest was the following:

Debi Rutter "How many can you tick?" so much in so small a piece of canvas. How do they fit it all in?

Samantha Epps felt tip on tracing paper endurance works "5 hours, 15 minutes, 15 seconds" and "5 hours 47 minutes 1 second"

"Toe-tapper" mixed media by Sandy Coughlan.

"Make your point" by R Grimsdell which was a hammer adapted to with keyboard letters. Fantastic.

"Loop" a video by Frances Wall.

Katherine Hymers videos "Untitled" where she is standing motionless outside the window in a garden.

"The Crown of the south Quay" a screen and monoprint by Clare Johnson. Which I'm sure is the gas cylinder in Great Yarmouth?

"Where do you come from" by John Williams a woven photograph.

"Plastic Cup" William Clifford which is a cast of a cup in household emultion paint.

Loads of good work but these were what stuck with me in my mind.

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