

Sound manipulations

This believe it or not is the picture "Gordon Ramsay which has been processed into audio. I'm building up a sample libary of sounds that have been conveted from other media such as pictures and words. Quite interesting in the results. Some of it works and some of it doesn't. But everything gets used somewhere along the way in my sampler and sequencer. Sometimes the process itself is more than the end result but it is nice to have material that I can use for soundtracks.


Self Portrait

In these days of identity theft I thought it would be a good idea for a self portrait. Though if you see this on a passport or identity card near you rest assured that suffering from bloaty head is not a permanent affliction. It is not contagious except when carried by thought alone.


The Joy of Jiffy bags

An ever growing list of festivals emerge before the eyes.


I'm leading a quiet life

Poetry film about the first impressions of an East Anglian town in winter.
Written and narrated by Rupert Mallin.


Gordon Ramsay

The trouble with food as industry and entertainment.


Save The Norwich Puppet Theatre

Save the Norwich Puppet theatre

Save Our Rural Touring Schemes

Save our rural touring schemes for theatre and music events at village halls

Save Community Arts

Save community arts

Arts For All

Arts for all not just the few.

No Joined Up Thinking

No joined up thinking Arts Council East

Arts Counci Funding Cuts Norwich Demo

My horroscope said of today

"You might crave social contact in a way that's unusual for you. Generally you're not comfortable around large groups, but today you might want to be surrounded by people. Go to a religious gathering or a political rally. Attend a workshop. Or listen to a lecture given by a local author. You'll enjoy getting out of the house and spending time with groups of people. So don't be shy! You need to break out of those hermetic habits."

