Sue Cooper, Sue Wooden, Ellie Trett and Fiona Hall out of the writing group Quill have been translating brush strokes with penstrokes. Inspired by some of the work at the ARC exhibition this week some of them have put pen to paper. Some of the artwork they wrote about were as follows.
A portrait of a young woman (which inspired three poems),
dancing Spanish ladies,
textiles morphing into water,
sleeping maltese statues,
surreal Portugese paintings,
bronze staues of three women in different stages of life
and the entire Arc Exhibition (all 18 exhibitors).
I will then translate the visual and the words into moving images ...... (short films).
A sort of artwork come full the 360 degree meaning of the term.
A circle is good as you don't get any corners to get stuck....
You can start on any point of the circle and it only ends when you leave it.
So in my choice of symbols.
Images -> words -> sounds -> moving images.........
The universe is about frequencies.
We are all translators.
What ever medium we communicate in.
Our senses tranlate these fequencies.
Making order out of chaos.
Making chaos out of order.
We are all transmitters and receivers.
If you get the message you will get this.
Are you recieving me?
End of transmission.