
360 degrees

Sue Cooper, Sue Wooden, Ellie Trett and Fiona Hall out of the writing group Quill have been translating brush strokes with penstrokes. Inspired by some of the work at the ARC exhibition this week some of them have put pen to paper. Some of the artwork they wrote about were as follows.
A portrait of a young woman (which inspired three poems),
dancing Spanish ladies,
textiles morphing into water,
sleeping maltese statues,
surreal Portugese paintings,
bronze staues of three women in different stages of life
and the entire Arc Exhibition (all 18 exhibitors).
I will then translate the visual and the words into moving images ...... (short films).
A sort of artwork come full circle....in the 360 degree meaning of the term.
A circle is good as you don't get any corners to get stuck....
You can start on any point of the circle and it only ends when you leave it.
So in my choice of symbols.
Images -> words -> sounds -> moving images.........
The universe is about frequencies.
We are all translators.
What ever medium we communicate in.
Our senses tranlate these fequencies.
Making order out of chaos.
Making chaos out of order.
We are all transmitters and receivers.
If you get the message you will get this.
Are you recieving me?
End of transmission.


"Corr..... look at that"

"Corr..... look at that" were the words that came from the childs mouth trying to attract his mates attention as he looked at my timelapse film of clouds. It was saturday morning and I was sitting creating/improvising a musical piece in the ARC open studios exhibition at the Great Yarmouth gallery to this film. Start them off young I say and it's good to get a reaction. Never played music in an art gallery before and I don't think that this will be the last.
ARC (Artists Regenerating the Community) contains artists working in a variety of media such as textiles, drawing, sculpture, painting, printing, poetry, photograhpy, performance and film. We all are engaged in working in the community in various projects through out the borough of Great Yarmouth and beyond.


My exploding head

Sometimes you can take in too much imformation for you head to take in. In those occasions it's best to stand outside where it's less crowded and let the contents settle..........well it seems like it.



The underground

The subway at Princes St, Ipswich.

Underground spaces hold an attraction for the urban pot holer such as myself. Several feet underneath the surface there are these places are easy to discover. One theory tells us these man made cave systems act as passing places and through points. Whilst other intrepretations suggest they are a place to shelter from the rain or to leave messages on the walls of these structures for others to read in the future.


The sound of the forum

It was a bright and sunny morning in Norwich and I was sitting in the foyer of the Forum. It was part of this years Open Studios in Norfolk of which I am taking part in. Watching my computer recording the ambient sound of the enviroment. You would think that a libary is a quite place to be. Quite the opposite. I recorded 30 minutes of several interpretations of footsteps due to body index and age, the creaking of keys, the wheeling of push chairs, the murmuring of voices, the bubbling of coffee machines, the reflections of audio waves, the clang of cups on tables, the opening of doors, the sounds of lifts being used, the ringing of phones, footsteps on stone floors, footsteps on metal steps, steeletoes, hush puppies, sandals, flip flops, and DM's. All recorded on thursday the 4th of May 2006 at the Forum in Norwich, United Kingdom, planet earth. I then edited this down to a 3 minute sound collage.

In the mean time I was answering questions to the public about Open Studios and what it does to being asked for directions on the best way to get to Downham Market. Thought that was funny as he was on foot and in the libary.

Walked for a good 30 minutes back to my car in the heat carrying my stuff..exhausted....sit in the car for a few minutes....then scuttle off to the Arts centre for the artist meeting......


Yesterday went to an artists seminar of digital artists in East Anglia. It's based on the foundations of the old Digital arts network (DAN). It was good to meet new people and share thoughts and views on work. What a deep pool of knowledge there is contained amongst us. Talked about the details to the Enter project next year in Cambridge.
Afterwards an artists talk with the media artist Scanner. Of interest to me because he deals with sound and installations. He talked about his work and answered questions. Later we saw his work with percussionist Pete Locket. Exellent work by both of them complimented each other style of playing in their performance.
An excellent end to an excellent day. More to come in the future and a good basis to build the future.